Hersheh Bar

It was a stormy night, and I was playing Smash Bros...
...Cause why not.
Anyways, I got hungry, and went to the store with my umbrella to get some candy for no particular reason. I got into the store, and guess what happened... it was soooo scary...
...There was no Hershey bars!!!
"AAAAHHHH!!" I screamed in terror, scariest thing I have ever seen.
"Waaagh-! Huh... uh... oh, it was... just a nightmare..." I said, as I placed my hand on my forehead. What could I have done to make something that scary pop up in my head? Oh well, all I know is that I'm hungry, I think I have some Hershey bars in the fridge.
I got off my lazy ass, and walked into the kitchen. I opened the fridge to get my bar and...
...All I saw was a butterfinger. "Oh well, this will do." I said. I went to reach the butterfinger, but then...
...a random skeleton with a top-hat popped out of nowhere, and swatted my hand, while saying- "Don't lay a finger, on my butterfinger."
I ran upstairs in my bedroom. That is all I remember after I fell on a soap bar and cracked my skull as the bar sang the national anthem.